Soulful Expansion

Soulful Expansion October 2015When was the last time you had to dig deep and do some soulful investigation? You know what I am talking about…a fork in the road that required a decision. But the decision you had to make may have caused you anxiety…a gut-wrenching decision.  And, you may have asked yourself “Do I take the path most traveled that feels the most comfortable ? Or, do I dare travel the trail of uncomfortability with lots of risks involved?”Last month, I was presented with the opportunity to expand Beach Beauty Bar & Acne Clinic by taking on new space, opening more treatment rooms and developing a tranquil outdoor respite…a neighborhood sanctuary for connecting, sharing and enjoying.

You might be thinking…what’s so hard about that decision? It’s seems so simple. Just do it! Right?

In the past, I have had a history of changing jobs, getting promoted, or doing something new about every 18 months. And, guess what? Last month also was our 18-month anniversary. In the past, I have had a tendency to get restless, and I have always thrived in a changing environment.

So, I found myself questioning…do I want to stick with this? Do I want to expand and really emmesh myself in this business and community?

Or, do I want to stay small and remain nimble (aka: can jump ship at a moment’s notice)?

By staying small and remaining nimble, I have been able to jet from job to job never getting too intimate with the people I work with or the clients I serve. I always said that I didn’t want to be “tied down!”

So, I had to do some soul searching. The comfortable thing for me to do would be keep my single treatment room and my month-to-month rent. But my gut was telling me to dig deep, consider expansion, and nurture these relationships that we  have developed.

And, so I did.

Expansion. What an incredible word. I dug deep, and this is what I found.

  • My heart desires to be grounded and nested within my community. My previous flight or fight coping skills no longer serve me.
  • My community and my home is Huntington Beach. And, I truly love living in this sleepy beach town.
  • I love you, my client and my friend. I have never felt this way before because I have never been involved in a business that is so personal. When working in corporate America, I never got to form these deep meaningful relationships.
  • By committing to growth in my business, I am committing to growth in my life. I am rooting in this amazing place we get to call home.

Beach Beauty Bar is expanding and so am I. And, my wish for you, my friend, is to expand your soul. Question your choices and ask yourself, “Does this expand my soul or limit me in false beliefs?” Dig deep and thrive!



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